

  1. arXiv
    Finite element form-valued forms (I): Construction
    Kaibo Hu, and Ting Lin
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2503.03243, 2025
  2. Topology-preserving discretization for the magneto-frictional equations arising in the Parker conjecture
    Mingdong He, Patrick E Farrell, Kaibo Hu, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.11654, 2025


  1. arXiv
    Intrinsic mixed finite element methods for linear Cosserat elasticity and couple stress problem
    Andrea Dziubek, Kaibo Hu, Michael Karow, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.14176, 2024
  2. arXiv
    Uniformly hp -stable elements for the elasticity complex
    Francis RA Aznaran, Kaibo Hu, and Charles Parker
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.17414, 2024
  3. arXiv
    Convergence analysis of a helicity-preserving finite element discretisation for an incompressible magnetohydrodynamics system
    L Beirao Veiga, K Hu, and L Mascotto
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.19748, 2024
  4. SIAGA
    Distributional Hessian and divdiv complexes on triangulation and cohomology
    Kaibo Hu, Ting Lin, and Qian Zhang
    accepted, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 2024
  5. RINAM
    Quadratic and cubic Lagrange finite elements for mixed Laplace eigenvalue problems on criss-cross meshes
    Kaibo Hu, Jiguang Sun, and Qian Zhang
    Results in Applied Mathematics, 2024


  1. arXiv
    Finite elements for symmetric and traceless tensors in three dimensions
    Kaibo Hu, Ting Lin, and Bowen Shi
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16077, 2023
  2. FoCM
    BGG sequences with weak regularity and applications
    Andreas Čap, and Kaibo Hu
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2023
  3. arXiv
    An exterior calculus framework for polytopal methods
    Francesco Bonaldi, Daniele A Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11093, 2023
  4. FoCM
    Finite element systems for vector bundles: elasticity and curvature
    Snorre H Christiansen, and Kaibo Hu
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2023
  5. arXiv
    A discrete elasticity complex on three-dimensional Alfeld splits
    Snorre H Christiansen, Jay Gopalakrishnan, Johnny Guzmán, and 1 more author
    accepted, Numerische Mathematik, 2023
  6. arXiv
    Discrete tensor product BGG sequences: splines and finite elements
    Francesca Bonizzoni, Kaibo Hu, Guido Kanschat, and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02434, 2023
  7. JCP
    Structure-preserving and helicity-conserving finite element approximations and preconditioning for the Hall MHD equations
    Fabian Laakmann, Kaibo Hu, and Patrick E Farrell
    Journal of Computational Physics, 2023
  8. IMA
    Spurious solutions for high-order curl problems
    Kaibo Hu, Qian Zhang, Jiayu Han, and 2 more authors
    IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2023
  9. arXiv
    Nonlinear elasticity complex and a finite element diagram chase
    Kaibo Hu
    to appear in Springer INdAM Series “Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology”, edited by Martina Lanini, Henry Schenck. Carla Manni. , 2023
  10. arXiv
    Supersmoothness of the Alfeld split
    Michael S. Floater, and Kaibo Hu
    to appear in Springer INdAM Series “Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology”, edited by Martina Lanini, Henry Schenck. Carla Manni. , 2023
  11. JMPA
    Bounded Poincaré operators for twisted and BGG complexes
    Andreas Čap, and Kaibo Hu
    accepted, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, 2023


  1. SINUM
    A family of finite element Stokes complexes in three dimensions
    Kaibo Hu, Qian Zhang, and Zhimin Zhang
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2022
  2. arXiv
    Oberwolfach report: Discretization of Hilbert complexes
    Kaibo Hu
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.03420, 2022
  3. CMAM
    Partially Discontinuous Nodal Finite Elements for 𝐻(curl) and 𝐻(div)
    Jun Hu, Kaibo Hu, and Qian Zhang
    Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2022


  1. FoCM
    Complexes from complexes
    Douglas N Arnold, and Kaibo Hu
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2021
  2. JCP
    Helicity-conservative finite element discretization for incompressible MHD systems
    Kaibo Hu, Young-Ju Lee, and Jinchao Xu
    Journal of Computational Physics, 2021
  3. JCM
    Well-conditioned frames for high order finite element methods
    Kaibo Hu, and Ragnar Winther
    Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2021


  1. SISC
    Simple curl-curl-conforming finite elements in two dimensions
    Kaibo Hu, Qian Zhang, and Zhimin Zhang
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020
  2. ACM
    A characterization of supersmoothness of multivariate splines
    Michael S Floater, and Kaibo Hu
    Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2020
  3. JCAM
    Convergence of a BE based finite element method for MHD models on Lipschitz domains
    Kaibo Hu, Weifeng Qiu, and Ke Shi
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020
  4. JMPA
    Poincaré path integrals for elasticity
    Snorre H Christiansen, Kaibo Hu, and Espen Sande
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2020
  5. BIT
    Nonstandard finite element de Rham complexes on cubical meshes
    Andrew Gillette, Kaibo Hu, and Shuo Zhang
    BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2020


  1. Math.Comp.
    Structure-preserving finite element methods for stationary MHD models
    Kaibo Hu, and Jinchao Xu
    Mathematics of Computation, 2019
  2. Num.Math.
    Generalized Gaffney inequality and discrete compactness for discrete differential forms
    Juncai He, Kaibo Hu, and Jinchao Xu
    Numerische Mathematik, 2019


  1. Num.Math.
    Generalized finite element systems for smooth differential forms and Stokes’ problem
    Snorre H Christiansen, and Kaibo Hu
    Numerische Mathematik, 2018
  2. Num.Math.
    Nodal finite element de Rham complexes
    Snorre H Christiansen, Jun Hu, and Kaibo Hu
    Numerische Mathematik, 2018


  1. Num.Math.
    Stable finite element methods preserving ∇⋅B=0 exactly for MHD models
    Kaibo Hu, Yicong Ma, and Jinchao Xu
    Numerische Mathematik, 2017


  1. JCP
    Robust preconditioners for incompressible MHD models
    Yicong Ma, Kaibo Hu, Xiaozhe Hu, and 1 more author
    Journal of Computational Physics, 2016
  2. Sci.China
    胡凯博, and  许进超
    中国科学: 数学, 2016