Some presentation materials:
- Structure-preserving discretization and preconditioning for MHD (Princeton 2020)
- Complexes from complexes (Cambridge 2019), and slides on the same topic for a broader audience (Zürich 2020)
- Well-conditioned frames for high-order finite elements (Oxford 2021)
- Poincaré (homotopy) operators for elasticity (Valencia, ICIAM 2019)
- Algebraic construction of finite elements (Beijing 2019)
- Some Hilbert complexes in general relativity (ICERM, Brown 2020)
- Nodal finite element de Rham complexes (Baltimore, JMM 2019)
- Conformal Korn inequalities in 2D (Oxford, PDE working seminar, 2022)
- Discretization of Hilbert complexes (survey talk) report (MFO, Oberwolfach, 2022)
- Tensor product finite element BGG complexes (Glasgow, 2023)
- Bounded Poincaré operators for BGG complexes (EPFL, 2023)
- Towards Finite Element Tensor Calculus (Zurich, 2024)
- Finite element differential complexes (Banff, 2024, survey talk in ‘Homological Perspective on Splines and Finite Elements’ workshop at BIRS)
- Modelling and computing generalized continua via complexes (Montpellier, 2024)
- Topology-preserving computation for ideal magnetic relaxation (Michigan, 2025)
Colloquium/Seminar talks
- MathSci Colloquium at Michigan Technological University, USA, Feb/2025.
- Seminar talk at Zhejiang University, China, Jan/2025.
- Applied Mathematics Seminar, Peking University, China, Dec/2024.
- Applied Geometry, Algebra, and Topology in Edinburgh (AGATE) seminar, Edinburgh, UK, Nov/2024.
- Analysis and PDE Seminar, Durham University, UK, Nov/2024.
- Seminar at Institut supérieur de l’aéronautique et de l’espace (ISAE-SUPAERO), Toulouse, France, Oct/2024.
- Séminaire ACSIOM, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, Universit´e de Montpellier, France, Oct/2024.
- Seminar talk at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, Sep/2024.
- Seminar talk at Nanjing Normal University, China, Sep/2024.
- Seminar talk at Nankai University, China, Aug/2024.
- Seminar talk at Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Aug/2024.
- Seminar talk at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Beijing, China, Aug/2024.
- Zurich colloquium in applied and computational mathematics, Apr/2024.
- Seminar at DAMTP, University of Cambridge. Feb/2024.
- Mathematics Seminar at the University of Dundee, UK. Oct/2023.
- Seminar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Sep/2023.
- Seminar at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Aug/2023.
- Seminar at University of Science and Technology of China, USTC, Aug/2023.
- Computational Mathematics and Applications Seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK, Feb/23/2022.
- Imperial–UCL Numerics Seminar, London, UK, Feb/22/2022.
- Seminar at TU Delft, the Netherlands, Dec/16/2022.
- Gravity Seminar Series of STAG (gravity/string theory/mathematical physics group) of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Dec/8/2022.
- Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Nov/2022.
- Seminar at University of Hong Kong, China, Oct/05/2022.
- Scientific Afternoon, Christ Church, University of Oxford, UK, Jul/15/2022.
- Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK, Apr/26/2022.
- Scientific Computing Seminar, Heidelberg University, Germany, Mar/21/2022.
- PDE Lunch Seminar, University of Oxford, UK, Feb/17/2022.
- North Meets South seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK, Jan/28/2022.
- Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Dec/14/2021. (online)
- Los Alamos National Lab, USA, Dec/8/2021.
- PDE seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK, Aug/5/2021.
- General relativity journal club, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK, Jun/24/2021.
- Numerical analysis internal seminar, University of Oxford, UK, Feb/23/2021.
- Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Dec/01-02/2020.
- Zurich Colloquium on Applied and Computational Mathematics, ETH Zu ̈rich, Switzerland, Oct/14/2020.
- Applied and Computational Mathematics seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, USA, Apr/13/2020.
- Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations (HADES) seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Sep/27/2019.
- Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Jul/17/2017.
- Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Jun/22/2017.
- CCMA PDEs and Numerical Methods Seminar Series, Penn State University, USA, Mar/17/2016.
- Lecture of CAS SIAM Student Chapter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Nov/24/2014.
Conference/Workshop talks
- IMSI Workshop “Discrete Exterior Calculus: Differential Geometry and Applications”, Chicago, USA. September 2025. (upcoming)
- BIRS workshop “Geometric mechanics formulations for continuum mechanics”, Banff, Canada. March 2025. (upcoming)
- “New and old problems in Numerical Relativity” workshop at the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), Sanya, China. January 2025.
- Minisymposium “Structure-preserving discretization of multiphysics systems”, 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vancouver, Canada. July 2024.
- Minisymposium “Numerical Methods for Geometric PDEs”, The 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington, US. July 2024.
- Keynote lecture at the NEMESIS project kick-off workshop, Montpellier, France. June 2024.
- European Finite Element Fair, London, UK. June 2024.
- Banff International Research Station (BIRS) “Homological Perspective on Splines and Finite Elements” workshop, University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO), Canada. May 2024.
- Opening Conference of the CNRS Occitan Research Federation in Mathematics (OcciMath), LAMPS (Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulations), University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France. April 2024.
- Workshop: Theory and Numerics on Some Nonlinear PDEs; University of Oslo / online. October 2023.
- ICIAM, Tokyo, Japan. August 2023.
- The 2023 International Workshop on Scientific Computing, Feng Kang Youth Forum on Scientific Computing (FKYF), The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. August 2023.
- PKU Mathematics Forum, Peking University, Beijing, China. July 2023.
- The 29th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. June 2023.
- SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Feb/26-Mar/03/2023. (plenary talk)
- The 8th Workshop for Young Researchers in Scientific Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (online). Dec/7-8/2022.
- 56th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy: Mechanics and Analysis, Pisa, Italy, Sep/21-23/2022.
- INdAM Meeting “Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology”, Palazzone di Cortona, Italy, Sep/5-9/2022.
- 30 years of Acta Numerica conference at the Banach Centre in B ̧edlewo, Poland, Jun/25- Jul/2/2022.
- MFO workshop ”Hilbert Complexes: Analysis, Applications, and Discretizations”, Oberwol- fach, Germany, Jun/19-25/2022.
- Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society annual meeting, UBC Okanagan Canada (online), Jun/13-16/2022.
- European Finite Element Fair, Aalto University, Finland, Jun/3-4/2022.
- European Finite Element Fair, Inria, Paris, Sep/10-11/2022. (online)
- Mathematical and Computational Approaches for Solving the Source-Free Einstein Field Equations (virtual talk), ICERM, Brown University, USA, Oct/5-9/2020.
- The Second Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientists, on the occasion of Professor Feng Kang’s Centenary, Beijing, China, Aug/17-21/2019.
- International Multigrid Conference (IMG2019), Kunming, China, Aug/11-16/2019.
- International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE), Innsbruck, Austria, Jul/22-26/2019.
- International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), Valencia, Spain, Jul/15-19/2019.
- Winther workshop in numerical methods, on the occasion of Ragnar Winther’s 70th birthday, Oslo, Norway, Mar/14/2019.
- SIAM Minisymposium on Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Fluids, Joint Mathematics Meeting of AMS and MAA, Baltimore, USA, Jan/16-19/2019.
- EuropeanConferenceonNumericalMathematicsandAdvancedApplications(ENUMATH2017), Voss, Norway, Sep/25-29/2017.
- Forum for youth scholars in computational mathematics, Peking University, Beijing, China, Jul/24-28/2017.
- Workshop on adaptive and multigrid methods for multiphysics problems, Beijing, China, Jun/23/2017.
- International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Svalbard, Norway, Feb/6-10/2017.
- Workshop on ”Structure and scaling in computational field theories”, Oslo, Norway, Oct/26- 28/2016.
- 11th East Asia SIAM Conference, Macau, China, Jun/20-22/2016. (paper prize talk)
- 14th European finite element fair, Bonn, Germany, May/20-21/2016.
- 14th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Colorado, USA, Mar/20-25/2016.
- The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Beijing, China, Aug/10-14/2015.
- Workshop on Geometry and Computation, Kunming, China, Aug/3-6/2015
- The 2nd Peking University Computational Mathematics Student Forum, Beijing, China, Jul/11- 12/2015
- Workshop on Numerical Methods for Elasticity and MHD Problems, Beijing, China, Dec/21/2014.
- 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 5th. European Conference on Computational Mechanics & 6th. European Conference on Computation Fluid Dynamics; Barcelona, Spain, July 25/2014.
- The 2nd Student Forum on Numerical Method of PDEs & the 1st Beijing Computational Mathematical Student Forum, Beijing, China, Jul/13/2014.
- The 1st Peking University Computational Mathematics Student Forum, Beijing, China, Nov/16/2013.